Take control

Friday, February 19, 2016

Crisis hits P-Square, manager sacked


THE music partnership of twins, Paul and Peter Okoye is under threat yesterday when one twin sacked their elder brother, Jude, as their manager.
For 16 years, P-square have been record-produc­ing musicians with Jude as manager.

Though the rumour had been making the rounds for a while that all was not well with P-Square and their brother, Jude, the lid finally blew open on Wednesday, when Peter took to Twitter and fired Jude in a series of tweets!
An obviously angry Pe­ter expressed his frustration working with Jude before finally sacking him.
Addressing P-Square fans, he tweeted: “P-Square fans, I know you all have been asking a lot of ques­tion concerning us. Some ask: ‘why on social media?’ Do I have a choice?”
Peter insisted in his flossy of tweets it was wrong for Jude to insist that he must remain P-Square’s man­ager. He reiterated that his decision is final.
In response, Jude tweeted that Peter needed help.
“You said I need prayers, bro, you need God!” Peter tweeted back and declared that “Peter and Paul is P-Square and Jude must ac­cept it that way.”
He added that for over four years, he had been managing Jude and his an­tics but now was the time to take action.
“I have been nurturing and managing these prob­lems for over four years now. Don’t take my silence as a weakness,” he added.
However, in order to reassure fans that all was well with him and Paul, his twin and the other half of P-Square, Peter tweeted again: “P-Square is not breaking up. I stand here to defend P-Square 100 per cent. And, for those who will start saying P-Square is breaking up, we are not. Just that the management needs to go. I have regret­ted a lot of things in my life but trust me; this is not one of them. No more family business.”
Again he queried: “How can you run a business without structures? Family business can be pain in the a**!”
However, Peter was not done. He added a dis­claimer stating that who­ever does business with Jude does so at his/her own risk: “Please, whosoever makes any transaction with Northside Entertainment or Jude Okoye on P-Square’s behalf does so at his/her own risk. This is a warning. Peter and Paul is P-Square and every other person is an attachment. Peter and Paul have the right to sack the entire management team; business is business, period!”
Justifying the move, he tweeted again that people change management and Jude’s case is not differ­ent: “Usher Raymond did it, Beyoncé did it as well. So it’s not new. My loyalty for P-Square and the fans still remains 100 per cent. I don’t have a problem with Paul but the management.”
When Daily Sun contact­ed Jude, as soon a request was tendered for his reac­tion, he terminated the call. Repeated calls to his num­ber were ignored including a text message and a mes­sage to him on Twitter.

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