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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Truth About Taking Painkillers During Your Period

A lot of women do not look forward to their monthly cycle due to the painful cramps that accompany it.

A lot of women depend on painkillers to ease their pain during the period. Pain killers always come in handy especially when you have to go out or are in public place.
As with any other medication, painkillers also have its downside.
Below is all you need to know about taking pain killers when you are on your period.

1. Painkillers might slow your blood flow: Many health professionals agree that taking ibuprofen can reduce your blood flow. Slowing your blood flow down can make you more comfortable and lengthen the time between trips to the bathroom.

2. They can relieve cramps: Painkillers can reduce the pain that comes with having periods, though different people have what works for them. If you are having those really painful cramps, it would be best you discuss a prescription painkiller with your doctor.

3. They don’t target only period pain: According to most experts, painkillers are not targeted at specific types of pain. Instead of trying to find a painkiller targeted at menstrual pain, just pop a couple of Tylenol or Advil and you should be good to go.

4. They can worsen the pain: Overuse of painkillers can actually backfire as your body adjusts to its effects and you may need to get the same results over time. If you only pop a couple of painkillers now and then for period pain, you will likely get the results you want.

5. It could be dangerous to your health: Using painkillers all the time may harm you in the long run. New research reports that overusing certain over the counter painkillers increases the risk of kidney, liver and heart problems.

6. They are addictive: Keep in mind that painkillers are often addictive, so use them as a last resort.

7. Ibuprofen is best: According to a Mintel market research report, ibuprofen is your best bet for treating period cramps. It is said to interfere with hormone substances, which is why it can block the pain during menstruation.

8. Painkillers are not the only option: If you are experiencing painful periods, there are other ways to relieve the pain aside using painkillers. Acupuncture, relaxation and yoga are some alternative treatments that bring relief to many women.

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