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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

UFO expert was going to expose ‘black magic’ ring, fiancée says

Max Spiers

He believed the truth was out there.
The UFO expert whose death has sparked out-of-this world conspiracy theories was about to “expose” a cabal of politicians and celebrities practicing black magic, his fiancee claimed.
Max Spiers, a 39-year-old father of two found dead on a couch in Poland over the summer
with “black liquid” oozing from his mouth — reminiscent of the “black oil” that alien beings used to inhabit human hosts in the TV series “The X-Files” — spent his final months researching the dark arts.

“He was going to expose black magic. He was going to expose some of the stuff he was working on involving political leaders and celebrities,” his gal pal, 31-year-old Sarah Adams, told Yahoo.
Adams said she spoke to Spiers about his fear of dying numerous times.
“We were used to getting death threats or stuff like that from people, but I think this time it seemed rather real,” she said. “He’d been sent threats saying that him and me were going to die.”
But even in the hours before he died, he was still looking toward a future with Adams.
“I was going to have his child. He had messaged me hours before,” she told Yahoo. “It definitely couldn’t have been anything like suicide or something like that.”
Spiers was in Poland over the summer to give a talk on conspiracy theories and UFOs — something he had become an expert on over the years after claiming to be a survivor of a government “super soldier” program.
Many of his devoted followers have developed their own theories as to what caused his sudden death including some who think it’s connected to the alien virus, Purity, in the “X-Files.”
The disease caused black goo to seep out of humans eyes and mouth.
“If it wasn’t true what he talks about then why would they kill him? Healthy people don’t just get sick and die, they get poisoned,” Craig Hewlett wrote on the site Project Camelot.

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