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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Iraqi Court Sentences 24 People To Death

A court in Baghdad has sentenced 24 men to death over a massacre that was carried out by militants in 2014 near the Iraqi city of Tikrit.
A spokesman for the supreme judicial council, Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar released a statemen adding that four others were acquitted.

CNN reports that ISIS claimed responsibility for the mass killing of hundreds of recruits and soldiers whose mass graves were later discovered in Tikrit.
Bayrakdar said adequate evidences were presented, “including the confessions of the defendants in the investigation phase, which matched the facts and the records of forensic evidence.”
It is however not known who the men were and where they were arrested. Their affiliation with ISIS is also not known but the massacre of the soldiers is considered the “largest reported incident” by Human Rights Watch
Meanwhile, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) revealed that 160,000 Nigerians have left the north east region of Nigeria to seek refuge in e countries, namely: Niger, Chad and Cameroun.

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