Take control

Friday, February 20, 2015

This Story Of How A Man Insulted A Future Job Interviewer Will Touch Your Soul

This is one story that will teach you a valuable life lesson to always be nice to people, you never know where you will meet them. HR executive Matt Buckland, has disclosed how he came in contact with a man at his firm after the same man pushed past him and told him to go ‘f*** himself’ as they were both alighting from a packed train at Monument Station in central London on Monday February 16th.

According to Buckland, the man directed an insult at him because he had been kind enough to give way and allow a woman off the train. He explained, “I was on my way into work on the Tube on Monday morning during rush hour. I stood to one side to let a lady get by, and ended up blocking a man momentarily. I think he thought I was just standing in his way. He pushed and I turned, I explained I was getting off too but he pushed past and then looked back and suggested I might like to f*** myself,which might have been true but not before a few cups of coffee”
In an unexpected twist of fate, the same man entered into investment firm, forward partners a few hours later for an interview with none other than Mr Buckland who worked as a senior executive and head of recruitment at the company.
The job seeker who was interviewing for the role of web developer at the firm didn't recognize Buckland as the man he had previously insulted so Buckland decided to through train related questions at him until the man finally got the picture.
The man ended up not getting the job and according to Buckland, it was because he was not qualified enough and not because of his misdeed.

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