Take control

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Caught on Camera: Paris Gunman Partner Makes Her Escape

New video emerged today purportedly showing the romantic partner of one of the Paris attackers slipping into Turkey, days before her boyfriend killed five people as part of a dual terror attack, and before she fled towards terrorist safe havens in Syria.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told Turkey’s state run media that Boumeddiene entered the country from Madrid on Jan. 2 and then crossed into Syria on Jan. 8, the same day Coulibaly murdered the French police officer.According to Turkish media that published the videos, two clips show Hayat Boumeddiene, the girlfriend of Amedy Coulibaly, going through airport checkpoints Jan. 2, a week before Coulibaly is believed to have murdered five people, including a police officer, in Paris in what he claimed was an attack that was “synchronized” with the massacre at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo last Wednesday.
Boumeddiene originally came to international attention when she was featured on a Parisian police wanted poster along with Coulibaly for her alleged connection to the Jan. 8 murder of a police officer. It’s unclear where she’s gone since entering Syria, though some extremists posted Twitter messages online claiming she had made it to areas controlled by ISIS, the terror group to which Coulibaly said he belonged.
Boumeddiene and Coulibaly were married in a religious ceremony but the marriage is not recognized by French law.

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