Take control

Monday, October 13, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in control until end

Malaysia Airlines

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is back on the front page as it is reported that the mysteriously lost aircraft was in control until the very end, according to an I4U media report on Sunday.
While mystery obviously still surrounds the disappearance of Flight 370, baffling persons that work in the airline business beyond belief, reports on the tragic incident keep coming in. Tim Clark, the CEO of Emirates Airline was interviewed this past week by The Spiegel magazine and received a huge amount of attention.
While talking to The Spiegel, Clark said that he is quite concerned that the masses are considering MH Flight 370 as an unsolved mystery and plan to move on. He does not find that acceptable as he believes that someone was in control of the aircraft until the very end of its flight. He bases his theory on the notion that all tracking was disabled. Additionally, he said that not all of the transponders were turned off. He asserts the notion that the aircraft went down in the Indian Ocean since absolutely no positive debris has been found from the aircraft.
The topic resurfaced on Thursday via USA Today when it reported that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 likely descended and spiraled into the southern portion of the Indian Ocean last March. That report holds the belief that the engine ran out of fuel while the plane was on autopilot. That theory is supported by the latest simulations. This belief is an analysis released by the Australian Transportation Safety Bureau. The Safety Bureau believes that the right engine quit, then the left – with no control inputs. After the left engine faltered, it is believed that the airplane entered the water a short time thereafter.
On March 8, 2014, the Boeing 777 vanished with some 239 persons aboard the aircraft. Bound for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the aircraft stopped communicating with traffic controllers shortly after the plane’s takeoff. At this time, it is reported that the plane may still be located within relatively close proximity of the 7th arc. The focus of the search is still there. The latest scenario in the mysterious plane disappearance is reportedly based on satellite communications as well as an unanswered ground-to-air phone call that was made 17 minutes after the plane gave its last radar information.
Tim Clark, incidentally, is a 64-year-old expert in the field of aviation. He has been a senior manager at the airline Emirates for 29 years and has been credited with developing it into one of the world's leading airlines. His learned beliefs about the lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is considered crucial to the ongoing search for answers to the mystery.

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