In an age of extremely complex cyber attacks, carefully coordinated scams and millions of dollars spent on security, one man managed to scam Apple out of $300,000 in the most low-tech way imaginable.
Earlier this week the Tampa Bay Times reported that East Tampa resident Sharron Parrish managed to find a way of overriding payment terminals when his card was declined.
He allegedly did this 42 times in 16 different
states, dating back to December 2012, before he was caught. Parrish managed to swindle Apple out of $309,768 worth of goods, and in one store, he brazenly forced through a $7,753 transaction.
He didn’t stop there, he also used this trick to rent cars from Enterprise car rental and stayed in luxury hotels. According to this Secret Service criminal complaint, Parrish unsuccessfully attempted to purchase a further $50,000 worth of goods in stores where his card trick didn’t work.
Parrish is accused of travelling around Florida attempting to scam Apple stores and other retailers in Orlando, Wellington, Boca Raton and Brandon. He also travelled the country and went on shopping sprees in Washington DC, Utah, Colorado and New York.
As the criminal complaint explains, when someone attempts to make a purchase at a point of sale terminal with a credit or debit card that is linked to a closed account, or there are insufficient funds in the account, it’s declined.
However the declination can be overridden if a particular length numerical code is given to the cashier, which usually comes from the bank. When one of Parrish’s four dodgy debit cards (three Chase debit cards and one SunTrust card) was inevitably declined, he would explain to the cashier that he needs to call the bank and find out what’s going on.
Parrish would then give the cashier a code from the ‘bank’ and the transaction would be authorized. How exactly did he know the code? Well the code can be any random assignment of numbers, so long as it’s a particular length. Parrish knew this and just made up the numbers on the spot and handed them over to the cashier.
In a similar case earlier this year, the U.S Attorney’s Office in New Jersey admitted that: “it does not actually matter what code the merchant types into the terminal. Any combination of digits will override the denial. So long as the customer provides a fake authorization code and convinces the merchant to enter it into the terminal, the transaction will go through.”
Because the bank had declined the initial transaction, and essentially advised that it not go through, but was ultimately forced through by the cashier, the retailer is liable – according to the criminal filing.
The case is still ongoing and Parrish is being held without bail in Pinellas County Jail awaiting trial.
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