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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How To Prevent Sagging Breasts Naturally

Every woman wants to have perfectly shaped breasts throughout her life. Sadly, this is not possible in most cases. Breast sagging is a natural process that happens with age where the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity.

There are a number of home remedies for regaining the firmness of saggy breasts, including regular pectoral exercises, massaging, masks, plant oils and essential oils in different forms.

Breast Exercise

It is said that the right exercises can keep your breasts bouncy; however chest exercises can help improve the appearance of your pectoral area by strengthening surrounding ligaments, which in turn may make them appear livelier.
The easiest and most popular exercise to add firmness to breasts is to do push-ups, Lifting weights can also strengthen pectoral muscles, including curls, chest presses and many other variations you can try that make you feel your chest muscles working.

Breast Masks
Like facial masks, breast masks can help firm the skin in and around the breast region. You can use these breast masks at least once in a week for desirable results.
Vitamin E Oil & Egg Breast Mask
Make a paste consisting of:
1 Tbsp Plain Yogurt
1 Tbsp Vitamin E Oil
1 Egg

Apply this paste over your breast and rub it in nicely.
Leave on for about half an hour.
Rinse it off with cold water.

Massage your breasts at least 2-3 times per week with coconut or olive oil to help add firmness and increase the elasticity to the skin as well as improve the skin tone and texture. Massage draws blood to the surface of the skin, increases blood flow, while stimulating muscle growth, and cell repair to help reduce the appearance and severity of sagging breasts.

Ice Massages
Ice can help tone the skin in and around the breast region. All you need to do is rub a few ice cubes over your breasts in wide circular motions. You can also wrap some crushed ice in a ziplock bag wrapped in a cloth and use the same way to massage your breasts. Massage for around 1 minute, as too much exposure to ice can cause numbness.

Plant Oils
Massaging your breasts with vegetable oils like coconut, olive or grape seed oil is also beneficial for toning the breast skin and tissues. Excellent examples include almond oil and grape seed oil, all of which help firm and nourish the breast skin.

Essential Oils
Essential Oils like fennel seed oil, spearmint oil, carrot oil, lemongrass oil and cypress oil contain skin cell rejuvenation properties that help restore the suppleness and elasticity of saggy skin.
Massage your breasts with these oils at regular intervals throughout the day in order to tone the skin in and around your breasts. Be forewarned that these oils could burn the skin and so need to be applied in large quantity.

Note that some diseases like breast cancer or respiratory conditions like tuberculosis can also cause breasts to sag. Excessive consumption of nicotine, alcohol and carbonated beverages can also contribute to the problem.

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